Friday 8 May 2015

The UK election result

The election result is in, and the Tories have won an absolute majority. This is abjectly depressing and I want to explain some of the reasons why. I should make it clear that this is NOT because "my party" didn't do well - actually, we didn't do badly, but one positive about supporting a smaller party is that we don't expect to win. I always wish we would get more, but we achieved an increased share and our sitting MP retained her seat (with an increased majority).

My first reaction - and the reaction I have still have is one of anger. I am angry that, as a nation we have returned one of the most oppressive, dismissive, anti-Christian and self-serving parties in my time. I am angry that the desperate cries of the poor, disabled and unemployed have not been heard. I am angry that so many people have, it would seem, are thinking of themselves and not others. I am angry that the politics of money have won over the politics of people - that we have put personal wealth over corporate health.

I am still angry. I will remain angry for a long time, but this is tempered by a deep sadness. I have of late been unemployed (for a short time), which is not because I am lazy, it is because the work I do comes and goes, and it is hard because we are in a recession time - a recession that has been caused by the policies of this government. The time I was looking for work was hard work - it is NOT easy finding a job, even for someone like me who has very marketable skills. For those who do not have my sort of skills, it must be even more difficult. I am deeply saddened that we now have a government who seems to hate the unemployed, and be determined to demonise them and oppress them as much as possible.

I am saddened that we have a government who have shown that they hate and loath the ill - they are determined to destroy the NHS, which is one of the best things about this country. As someone who is ill, and has children who have chronic illnesses, this is frightening. I can only assume that within a few years they will have to be working somewhere with private health insurance, because that will be the only way to get the care that they need.

When Ivan Cameron died, I did feel sorry for the Camerons. To have a child with Cerebral Palsy, and to know the prognosis, must be terrible. To finally lose him, must have been difficult. But that sympathy has evaporated, because David Camerons attitude to the chronically ill is so abusive and dismissive, I can only assume that he is actually glad that Ivan died and was not a burden to everyone, not being able to work or contribute to society*. He would never have been able to earn much money, so would, under the Cameron ideal, be worthless. The fact that he can abuse the poor and the ill so much, after what he has gone through makes me utterly sick at heart.

I am saddened that the poor will continue to be treated with contempt, that the bank balance will be considered the measure of a persons worth. It isn't, and it never will be. What sickens me most is that the idea of "trickle down" or that the super wealthy actually bring more money and wealth to the country as a whole is still being pushed. It doesn't work. Most of the very wealthy take their money and invest it abroad. They keep acquiring more and more of it, taking it from others, and most of them are "sensible" enough to keep it for themselves, investing it in a way that gives them more money, rather than supporting the country. I am saddened that David Cameron is so shallow that he cannot see the value of people more than this.

For now, I am angry. I will return to being angry. And I will cry for those who will not survive to the end of this term, because they will give up and take their own lives. I will cry for those who will suffer needlessly, who will be dismissed, and denigrated, just because they are on the wrong end of the capitalist dream. I hurt for all of those whose life will be worse under this government. In truth, this is all of us, because we are all lesser for this.

*I doubt that they actually feel like this. I accept that this is hyperbole. But why David cannot have sympathy with others, with what he has been through, makes me loathe him even more.

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